The movie Food Inc. was disturbing both for its grotesque images of humans and their capacity for animal cruelty, and for the fact that we live in a country that not only allows this, but in some cases, actually encourages this kind of behavior! There were so many parts of this movie that showed me things about the food industry that I didn't know. Shame on Tyson, and Monsanto and all the other companies that would rather take the cheap and easy way out than do what is right. They treat their staff and their animals poorly and abuse the privileges that come with success and money to hurt others. They are greedy companies that do not give a damn about their consumers or their employees as long as they can make a quick buck. Also, Shame on our government and legal systems that allow companies like this and their money to corrupt what is supposed to be an honest process. I was alarmed when I saw that these major companies are planting their lawyers and staff into our legal system in order to swing votes and laws in their favor. There were many parts of this video that will resonate with me forever. Even just today in the grocery store, I was shopping for produce and I kept thinking about one quote from the film: "Every time you buy something in the supermarket, you are placing your vote."I for one think that organic produce is severely overpriced and I cannot afford it as a college student. However, sometimes I choose the apple with the small bruise or the tomato with the tinny scuff mark so that maybe the industry will sell more of the food it produces and not waste as many fruits and veggies just because they are "ugly".
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