Friday, October 5, 2012

Last Child in the Woods

I read Gifts of Nature, The Third Frontier, & Nature-Deficit Disorder and the Restorative Environment from Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. I hate reading, however, I actually enjoyed reading these chapters because I felt that I could relate to what the author was saying. He made the point that maybe we wouldn't need so much medication for our children if we allowed them to release their energy naturally. As a nursing student, I couldn't agree more. I am in no way saying that children with serious hyperactive disorders should not be medicated. In many cases, the medication is necessary and beneficial to both the child and their family, but for those who are "high functioning" or on the "low end of the spectrum" of the disorder, perhaps they would benefit from simply running around outside and taking a break from structure. I remember going outside right after school to burn off steam, or goin straight to dance class. I also remember days that I had to go to piano lessons after school and feeling like I had been sitting inside all day and not wanting to sit and focus for one more second. Public schools today have taken away P.E. programs and recess in most places. These are things that offer a child a break from the constant focus and stress of public education. I also think that parents need to be more flexible and understanding of their childrens' behavior. If you keep a 7 year old boy inside all day and force him to constantly sit still and read or do math problems, then... yeah.. when he gets home he's probably going to be extremely rambunctious and hyper. I would even expect a serious lack of focus. I do disagree with Louv in respect to organized sports. He states that they are just as bad as keeping a child indoors. I do not agree, as long as the sport is fun for the child and does not add to the child's frustration level. The bottom line is... kids feel stress too... let them run it off in nature.


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